Am Filipino, am looking Tourist visa, anyone who can help me to get TOURIST VISa ASAP. Am going to Dubai for work, but before proceeding to Dubai, i like to stay 7 days in Qatar for short Vocation.. Anyone WHO CAN HELP ME, PLS LET ME KNEW... my email ad [email protected] or [email protected]
i was wondering the same please let me know if it is possible 2 get a visa for my friend and her 6-yrs old son from egypt. what are the requirments and cost, and do they necessarly need 2 stay in the hotel or they can stay with me?
A Dream Is A WiSh Your Heart MakeS.
What is your travel agencys email address? I am interested to get a tourist visa. how much is the cost?
Ofcouse you can get tourist vis from our travel agency,
contact me on +974 7850282
i have friends but his busy, no time to get one for me... do you have telephone number of that hotel i will call... .. thanks....
what about travel agency... a
hotel La Villa Palace is giving visas cheaply including one night stay. you can ask any one of your friends to approach them. they are in al asmakh street behind maharaja resturant.
If you have any friends here, ask them to get one from any of the hotels.