Help me goinback to doha pls...

By missanonymous •
hi evryone! I badly need ideas on how can I come back to doha.. My contract was just cancelled recently and I'm back here in Phils now.. Im thinking all the options I can take to go back there and find a new job. I didn't get my NOC on my previous company. I don't have any relatives there to sponsor me as a family visa, just got close friends who's willing to help me but I don't know if they can sponsor me. I'm thinking to get my passport change, anyways I have to renew it coz its gona expire soon, but I'm thinking if it will help, if they're still gonna trace the ban? I need all the possible suggestion I can get, please help me out guys.. thanks in advance.
just wait for 2 yrs..........
@ tanya, yes you are still required to give an NOC even if you are using a visit visa (except famiyl visa). this policy was already used since 2 years back. in fact just recently, my friend's visit visa application was rejected because she could not procure an NOC from her previous employer.
he is right
good day to u. dont be any hurry in coming back to doha since i read in the yahoo news front line issues last nov 12, 2010 the visit of our beloved emir and his wife in british. TO SCRAPPED SPONSORSHIP OF THE EMPLOYEER to foriegn workers. this is now in the process of further studies by the supreme council. you can come back to doha again without waiting for 2 yrs ban, without NOC from previous employeer, but if your visa was cancelled due to criminal record, sorry to say you can't come to doha anymore. hope your visa was cancelled only due to a valid reason...tell your friend to up date you whats happening and the latest issue here in doha.dont loose hope and god bless.
thanks for ur clear understanding and suggestions, i felt better ill try that! :)
using a passport using a name other than yours ...
yes u'r right, but she said, she will renew her passport, renew means surrending the old one as it will expire. and to get a new valid one. she still uses her own name. what will change is the passport number, of which she try to come over using the new.
yes i am aware that most of people does the same , few are lucky.
DFA issue a passport on the merit that all supporting documents are legit. This offense is punishable by law and the offender will go to jail for let's say 1-3 years minimum, if found guilty.
I guess you knew some people here in Qatar who came back under false name too?
visit visa (except family visa) also requires an NOC if a person is in qatar previously and the two year-ban had not expired yet is it?hmm havent encounter that one yet.
on another note, there are workers who had return and was able to work after the 6-month ban. but i guess this one depends on the immigration and the previous sponsors. - .it also depends on the influence calibre of the new sponsor. as i knew some too.
Why was your contract cancelled, if you don't mind asking? cause it would also depend on yur ponsor if they will give you a relase or not.
visit visa (except family visa) also requires an NOC if a person is in qatar previously and the two year-ban had not expired yet. fyi.
on another note, there are workers who had return and was able to work after the 6-month ban. but i guess this one depends on the immigration and the previous sponsors.
i dont think its called "falsified document" if it is legally obtain from DFA.
missanonymous, as you said you will also about to renew your passport as it is expiring, you may do so, but still you can't get a new RP / sponsor without the NOC from the previous. yes they can trace you even having a new passport thru the finger print, of which you will be at risk.
better yet try to go thru the employment agencies in Phils, who knows, luck comes from nowhere, you could be employed by an employer that can arrange you a work visa without the NOC despite the ban. Just like what happen to someone i knew.
You may enter Doha via Visit or Business, but when time comes you found an employer, u can t acquire the work visa provided you will get an NOC.
Why not try to send a letter to your previous employer and ask for NOC. that could help.
you'll have to wait for 2 years after then you can come back. A different scenario would have been favorable to you if your employer had given you an NOC...
Mr Joker, guess what, she WILL need a NOC in order to be granted a business visa.
You have no NOC and you'll be wasting TIME & MONEY and putting yourself at RISK.
you are seriously contemplating coming here with falsified documents... do you think it's all worth the risk? think again,...
changing your passport? its falsification of public documents which is equivalent to crime that may lead you into jail.
Better go for the second option qatarisun said. Marry someone who is working in Qatar and come here on husbands sponsorship.
U can be here in business visa. But you should exit and renew in each 3 months!
sorry missanonymous, you cannot come here without the NOC letter. Even if you changed the passport, and you found a job, they will identify you by your fingerprint while you are processing your RP. You even cannot come on business visa, as you still need a NOC letter. So even illegal "buying" a visa won't help you. Your friends can't sponsor you.
You have 2 options: either to convince your previous sponsor to grant you a NOC letter, or to get married and come here on your husband's sponsorship.