GCC Wide Banning?

By guitargirl •
I heard a rumor (I'd consider it a rumor) that cancelled visas/ban are now GCC-wide? (as of today, july 28, 2010).
Is it true? AM curious and helps if it can be confirmed. Curious.
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lol you could have just given us the link, Dracula :P
Aight, thanks for this tho. ;]
During the economic downturn that started in late 2008, large numbers of expats were losing jobs due to the "financial crisis". It is possible that the Ministry of Labour will be less enthusiastic about imposing a labour ban on expats who lose their job for such a reason and want to transfer their sponsorship, since it could be argued that they have left through no fault of their own. Some companies may also keep employees on their sponsorship to give them more time to find a new job (expats must normally leave the UAE within a fixed period of time after residence and work permit cancellation). There's no definitive rule in these cases, you will need to negotiate with your employer and/or the Ministry of Labour.
No more labour ban?
Reports in February said that the UAE Ministry of Labour was reviewing the 6 month labour ban rule. A Gulf News report 01 March 2009 quoted Abdul Razzaq Qambar, a training officer at the ministry, as saying "The ministry is studying different means to facilitate labour movement within the country and the reviewing of the ban is part of this". That could mean that a change is announced tomorrow, or next year, or never.
In other words, don't get too excited.