|Employing a Houskeeper/homeworker from the Philippines

Please help... I am in the process of employing a housekeeper from the Philippnes. The only reason I am doing this instead of the agency is that I had earmarkes a cousin of my very good friend's maid.... I have already paid the QR1800 and have the visa. She has to enter before |Aug 13th... ad the visa states HSW -
I went to POLO - The Labourt office and picked up the contract and was told under no circumstance could I do a contract individually - I had to get and agent. The only people that could employ individually are the Royal Family, diplomates and high ranked government officials.. My next step according to the website "The Word" seemed quite easy to do all the necessary procedures!! Well.. |I have now hit a wall.. I went to Ghaiths?? the agency near the petshop on the corner near the flyover near Landmark?? somewhere around there.. they want to charge me around Qr6500!!! so all my running around could have been prevented!! Is there anyone who could help me with info as to what to do next... Any factual advise would be appreciated... thanks in advance
Go back to POLO look for the Labor Attache and ask if you can do the "direct hiring" procedure to avoid the QR6500 agency fee but you should know somebody in the Philippines to process the document or the person who you hired can do the document processing if she is in Manila and it will not cost to much compare to agency fees. Just an option.
Well, If you are willing to really want to get a Filipina Housekeeper from Philippines.
Call me at this number 5521795
May be I could help you find one.