Do I need to pay my working visa if I am hired by the company?

Hi! I need someone to help and answers what bothering on my mind regarding on my job offer contract.
I got a Job Offer contract from one of the company in Qatar and some contents mislead on my own understanding.. as far as I know Visa will provide by the company and they will shoulder the payment.. correct me if Im wrong, or is there any statement in the labour law of Qatar that the visa for employee is free of charge? pls. help...
sample contents thats bothering me..
visa expense------deductable in 8 months, meaning its our own expense right?
leave----- half of the salary in lieu of gratuity and annual leaveis this approve in Qatar labour law?
You no need to pay anything as recruitment expences. And your gratuity cannot be adjusted towards anything; but only if you owe anything to the company, company can be recovered that money from your gratuity i.e. a fine/penalty, your loan with company etc..
Please refer to Qatar Labour LAW..
No not even a single rayal... You dont need to pay.. Some middle man is taking money..
Secondly after n year of service u will get 21 days salary and a return ticket... Plus the fund
Else Check all details n labor law also...
Based on my experience, i didnt pay anything for my working visa.