Changed Visa Requirements 1st May (info rqd)

I have heard the visa requirements change on the 1st of May and I will now need to apply for a visitor’s visa before I travel to Qatar in June, however I am finding
it really hard to find information on this in the UK.
I have tried to log onto the Qatar embassy in London but when I click on the visa application form this come up with an error report so cant find out any information.
I wanted to know the cost and what I needed to fill in / send to get required visa etc.
Any advice would be much appreciated…
Thanks for the advice although still a little unsure, the London embassy website does state that I will need to apply for a visitor visa from the 1st of May however the application form does not load so I will take a look during the week, hopefully it will be back up and running! I hope I don’t have to go to the embassy in London to get this as I live in the north of England so this is about 7 hours for me to travel...
I guess I will find out on the 1st of May if it becomes official; however I fly in June so I hope this process doesn’t take long?
The office near the airport parking lot have nothing to do with it. They wouldn't know.
Just came back from the passport office near the airport parking lot , there have not been any paper glued there on any counter saying about this change, the staff when asked they told me that they have not recieved any order of any change for the citizens of the 33 countries list fro visa on arrival, so it stays like before, more over the Emir today send his wishes for the Queen of Denmark, that the Denmark is inside the list, and Kuwait state today signed with France for the nuclear project of Kuwait, so I think it remains like it is, at least for the tourists of the 33 countries.
It Is For European Countries Only. The Rules For Visa On Arrival From 1 May 2010 Will Be Revised. Now They Would Have To Apply For A Visa Prior To Departing For Qatar, From Qatar Embassy In Their Respective Countries.
check this.
You can apply here...