Cause of delay:Work Entry Visa through HMC

I was recruited by HMC as a doctor...I signed my offer letter and my visa was applied by HMC (along with other doctors/group application). Now most of the doctors of my nationality have already received their work entry visas except for three or four (including me). When I ask the HR deptt of HMC, they reply that the case is in process with immigration (MOI) and they have no idea, whatsoever, of how long is this going to take!!
Can anyone have any idea of how long can the process actually take and what can be the possible cause/s of such delay.
Is there anyway I can expedite the process??
I am supposed to join in the first week of July by the latest and this situation of uncertainty is frustrating me.
MEDOC IM going through situation u passed last waiting for 3 months waiting my work visa which still under process....i want to ask did u get ur visa at last and how u did that???? thanks in advance ..
I was hired on December 2010 as Catering Quality Inspector for HMC Qatar.Still I am waiting for the Visa.Is amybody from catering field got Entry Visa.HR of HMC told that they have applied for the Visa.Please somebody reply for this Question
same here! i just got a job at the qatar ministry of civil service affairs through nobel global recruitment. i was asked to send the bio-data page of my internationalpassport for my visa processing. i never heard from them since then....
Thank you.I appreciate it.Hope the things end up well for me soon.
Medoc - even in HR departments who have a good working relationship with the govt immigration authorities would not be told how long it would take or the reason for the delay, it was more a question of mind your own business and 'the more you ask us the less likely it is to happen'. We would get equally frustrated but we could not shout and scream at the authorities, at least candidates have the luxury of venting their fury on us, so next time you feel like having a pop at HR over your Visa woes, remember that in all likelihood it is beyond their control and the sooner they complete the recruitment process for someone the better all round
Thanks for your guidance.The reason why I asked about expediting the process is because I am annoyed of the delay and I have no idea why is the case being delayed for so long.
I don't mind waiting,as long as someone can tell me why and what is the delay for.Wait is not the issue(unless its not for years) but refusal is as I am not making any other commitments just because of this.
I hope you can understand my position and urgency better now!
Please see my previous comments on Immigration. I used to recruit for a large organisation here in Qatar and if I had a Riyal for every time I was asked how long the process would take with Immigration I would be a very rich person now. Immigration would not even tell us where they were up to in the process and constantly asking them the progress on a particular persons visa status made them actually go slower - invariably they would just get annoyed and tell us to go away
LP...Playing with words is okie, but not always. You are comparing an illegal act with a legal one...NO?
I tell you what "Wasta" is, Kkattak. If a Qatari has an accident, he will call his cousin at the police, and he will "fix" the issue. What, if not corruption, is that?
LP...Corruption wont be the right word in his case. He wont use the Wasta "to place himself in a position, he doesn't deserve". He has already signed the job contract & he only wants to expedite the visa process.
Corruption is an action where 'connections' are used to place relatives or friends in a position they don't deserve. And that is what 'Wasta' is all about.
How can be pursuing someone for something legal (which has been delayed for no reasons) called corruption??? I need VASTA in MOI or HMC???
By the way, the proper word for 'Wasta" is "Corruption".
Yes, Wasta is good. If you have it.
Thanks guys for the replies but is the delay at HMC end or does MOI usually takes so long??
Is there any way...such as knowing someone or VASTA (as they say) that the process can be expedited??
Medoc see my thread "What is it with HMC?"
I am going through the exact same thing as you. I suggest you just continue to pester them until they do their job.
All you can do is be patient and wait. Nothing we can do about the process. Sometimes it takes even longer and can be so draining mentally and financially as well. So just keep on checking with HMC once in a while. If the time comes, you wil have your Visa in no time.
Best of luck.
Mandilulur is 100% right....
There is no cause, no reason and no explanation possible for the delay except that this is Qatar and that's the way Qatar works. Yes, it is frustrating. If this kind of thing drives you really crazy, maybe think twice about coming. It's a way of life here.