Can I travel using my passport instead of Qatar Id?

I will be going home to my home country on march 21, 2013 and my mandop just renew my Qatar i.d today and he said maybe I will get my qatar I.d. after march 21. Can I use my passport instead with the stamp of the renew qatar id? so I can travel on March 21, 2013 (thursday)? Do i really need to show the Qatar Id Card or I can use the passport with the stamp of the renewed qatar id? please help me. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Because I got worried in her QID. The passport in her QID is expired.
No problem for her, It is understandable, in future renewal of her ID her name will be changed ......... Happy Holidays ..... ! Come back in time ........... Joys ....... !
We need your help. I and my wife will travel this month and in her QID is still her single name. She already renew her passport using my last name. Now in her QID and passport are not the same last name. There will be a problem in returning back?
Thank you
We need your help. I and my wife will travel this month and in her QID is still her single name. She already renew her passport using my last name. Now in her QID and passport are not the same last name. There will be a problem in returning back?
Thank you
We need your help. I and my wife will travel this month and in her QID is still her single name. She already renew her passport using my last name. Now in her QID and passport are not the same last name. There will be a problem in returning back?
Thank you
qatar ID is not necessary when travelling outside the country. QID is only applicable when you have transaction with a government office. but be sure that when you travel, your visa is still valid and not expired.
No ID needed to travel.. just make sure RP on your passport is fresh!
i think for visa stamp ,its one day process only or atleast 2 days..they are right no need for the id as long as your passport have sticker that your RP is renewed...Godbless
Thank you very much for your help! will bring some rambutan. hehehe anyway, do you also have any idea how long it takes to renew and stamp the new visa to my passport? you help and infos are much appreciated. thanks again
Just see on you r visa page, you can find your RP it's enough, you can show it, no need to be worry.
While you coming back, bring some RAMBUTTAN for me, as a charge for the information, LOl,,,,hahahaha..... Have a safe journey
You don't need the ID to travel. They will be looking at your Passport in the Airport Immigration.