Can I Change my profession??? can anyone help me??

By mmdesigns99 •
Hi QL Users,
I'm working here in Qatar as a graphic designer, but my profession is showing labor in my ID card. can i change my profession to something valid profession, even i can't get family visit visa with this labor profession. i only have completed graphic designer course certificates in my country srilanka & i don't have any degree certificate. pls advise me...can anyone help me on this???
for profession change cont 77166324
is it possible to change the profession without a degree certificate??
yes, it takes months ( up to 6 months) you have to submit all support documents for the new title plus 6 months bank statement
all that should be done through your lovely sponsor
yes, it takes months ( up to 6 months) you have to submit all support documents for the new title plus 6 months bank statement
all that after should be done through your lovely sponsor
only your sponsor can help you change your profession. Also, if there are available visa for other profession only then it could start to procees for the change.