business visa,from manila

Hi there. A friend of mine (male) would want to come to Doha (fr the Philippines) to look for a job. I heard it'll be more advantageous to get a business visa rather than a visit visa. Can anybody explain why is this so? Thanks in advance.
Secondly, I don't know how he would be able to get a business visa considering that he doesn't have yet an employer here nor somebody who can sponsor him. What others say is that we must coordinate with a travel agency here that can provide a company to sponsor him.
Questions are:
-Do you know some travel agencies that can help us? and i'd appreciate it if contact numbers can be provided
-How much will it cost? Will NOC be part of what we will be paying for? (It'll be totally useless if the company who'd sponsor wouldn't issue one and then he finds a job here right? NOC is one of the requirements when you get employed)
-How long will the whole process take?
Thank you so much. I hope somebody knowledgeable can give me answers to these questions. It's just that I'm totally clueless about these things. Thanks!
just what jay420 posted.
I'm with recruitment right now and it hurts me that our kabayans get offers that are so low that I myself discourages them from applying coz it'll be a losing battle of survival...especially when you think of the cost of living expenses nowadays here in Qatar.
Fortunate are those who have families and friends who could help these folks (business visa holders) till they get a job they're looking ofr...but most often than not, they settle for low-paying jobs and hold on for 1-2 years until they find a better paying job. Wost scenarion, the company that hired them...doesn't give release or NOC.
goodluck leslie and to your "friend" ^_^
thanks so much for that suggestion. =)
just kidding leslie :) tell your boy friend (hehehe) to check out all the websites of companies here in Qatar, i'm sure he can pass his CV online. Google is a very useful search tool, tell him that :)
Haha. Didn't notice the previous posts that you were talking about my Cum Laude thing. I'm not really intelligent, but you know hardwork sometimes pays off if you're lucky. Just got lucky I guess, but I love my school so much. Hehe
my "special" friends! Lol! And the best suggestion!
but if he is persistent, trying brings no harm if you succeed but very harmful if you failed! Lol! Good luck to your "friend", (wink)! Lol!
haha. so intriguing, no he's an officemate. Actually a lot of my guy friends in the previous company I've worked in would want to know if there are job opportunities here for them. But since they dont have any family here, I've tried to ask around.
Try to find a job for him. Then let the employer make the Visa (Work Visa).
and that spice it up SNM! :)
yup I came here as a family visit and looked for a job. Didn't know anything though, my sister just helped me with everything here. Now my friend would want to try it too but he doesn't have any family here, so others suggest to him to get a business visa. But I'm just new here in Qatar so I'm trying to ask other peole who might know better.
Lol, SNM! Hehehehehehe!
and it looks like her friend is somewhat special to her
friend. Maybe he has a family here but since he is above the age requirement for a family visit visa, then his option is to go for a business visa.
I would suggest a visit visa or tourist visa, at least on this case, the person has a family to take care of him while he is here! This is what I said or meant of a TRUE family above!
her profile says she's also under family visit visa and is looking for a job. is it right leslie?
if his father is here then he should come here on a family visa, then look for a job.
she's in the top 3rd honor (after Suma cum laude, magna cum laude and cum laude). She may not be one in that category but usually shared by those who graduate with same grade or rating.
Pare, the OP is an intelligent person and maybe,just maybe, her desire to help a friend drove her to post this query. We all do want to help but helping is making sure the person you want to help will benefit.
Padre, short hijack, what's our agenda this week?
but if you really have family here,will it be better to look for a job on a family visit visa or still not? so for you guys,the best way is to look for an agency in mla that can recruit you here in Doha?
Her profile says she is Graduated in CUM LAUDE
can you explain what kind of cum graduation is and who is laude?
But again, if they "only" pretend to be a family, again not advisable. I'm not sure if you have not heard about all these sad stories of failure here. And mind you, some landed a job but the question is, "what kind of job?" Many are just silent because they can not back-out anymore as their hands are already tied. That's the sad part of those trying their luck of going here not on a working visa. Too long to expound this subject! Just discourage him, but if he persist, that's on his!
the SAFEST and only LEGAL way to get an overseas job is to process everything in your home country (as much as possible). not unless you're already living in the same country with your family (meaning having a resident permit/visa).
leslie, that's what has flor has been saying all along don't come here looking for a job on a business visa.
thanks flor. are you saying that it's not safe to go on a business visa while looking for a job? how about family visit visa,is it safer? i heard lots of people having family visa while job hunting here in Qatar. Is business visa more risky than family visit visa or just the same?
two thumbs up to flor!
second and foremost, it's not the proper way to be an OFW. If he succeed and nothing wrong happened, good and fine. But any problem, even small one, will be a very big headache not only to him, but to you and hopefully not, dragging the embassy and concerned agencies! Remember, he will be officially undocumented OFW for a while (or forever). Good morning!
flor is right, tell your friend to go through legal means.
thanks flor! but why should i discourage him, because it's hard to look for a job here in doha?
do not, I repeat, do not encourage such trip to go here and look for a job. Such trip and purpose usually is disadvantageous to the person concerned. Just ask your friend to scout for a job or refer him to any agency back in our country.
But after discouraging, your friend still insist, then you are free from any guilt if he didn't succeed!
Know so many who tried and failed and are now back in Manila very deep in debt! Just a simple but strong advice!
ah okay. Do you know any agencies here that can help? I heard that it might be problematic with Phil immigration because they're asking for some stuff like affidavit of something.. i really don't know. I'm hoping you can suggest some of the agencies that can be trusted.
if you know some agency here that ask minimal fee that offers good salary why not. Bad thing about some Phil. agency is they ask for a huge amount of fee, sometimes 2x or more of your salary equivalent. It really depends on the fee wether here or back in PI. Case to case basis per agency & per job requirements.
ah ok,so there are agencies in Mla as well that can sort this thing out? But which do you think is better, an agency in Manila or here in Doha? One might be cheaper than the other, or which one is safer?
Kabayan, we have many agency there in the Phils. But be aware whom your dealing with. better check their track record and know feedbacks from clients. Also check if they have some connections here. since when its your only hope when you get in trouble.
Esp. many negative news from OFW diaries of gma7 & other news from people comming from qatar & other part of middle east sharing their bad sentiments & bad lucks with their employers, you will really think twice.
Eventhough its 3 mos to spend looking for a good luck landing a nice job....its not easy... but its up to you kabayan. Concern lang ako. Good luck!
Hi jay! I know it's kinda risky to look for a job while on a business visa. That means no time should be wasted in 3months or else everything will be put to waste. What's your nationality? It'll be great if you can give me the name of the agency you're talking about. It's true that I should be careful with whom I'm dealing with. That's why I don't know who to trust honestly. I'm just getting opinions from those people who might know these things better than I do; and then probably ask around some friends if they're familiar with the agencies that'll be recommended to me. Thanks for the warning! =)
Why is buying a business visa so expensive? Because it's am illegal visa! A business visa is supposed to be issued by one's employer when one is working in Qatar temporarily and isn't eligible for an RP. It certainly isn't for the purpose of coming and finding a job. The person who sells you the visa either isn't going to find you a job or will "find" you one that turns out to require kick-backs or involves you in some other shady scheme. The final upshot is that if you come in on an illegal status you will have NO rights or recourse here in Qatar if you are blackmailed, cheated or abused. Good luck!
Leslie its not easy going here for a business visa.
Its expensive, and no gusrantee that you can land for a good job since most of the employers when they know that your on that kind of visa, they will really haggle your price and give you a very low ball offer. Sometimes ending up going back broke.
Just be careful with whom you're dealing its not easy being here alone in the dark....
Let me know if you need help. I can recommend you a good agency there that took care of me very smoothly from start & up to now in case I had some problems. Good thing also is no placement fee.
Just send me pm
thanks for the advice khloebern. do you know any agency that's really reliable?i'm also trying to ask my friends here if they can recommend anything
leslie27 just be sure that the people you're dealing with will really help you...there are a lot of people on visit visas already and upto the last day of their visa here they ended up going home...same also applies to business visa and still a lot wants to take chances...i would advice you to look for a reputable agency that can provide your friend a good sponsor... most of the agencies have filipino employee to answer your queries...
thanks prettyice.yeah,il check with them. are you a filipino? are there filipino people in the said agency? thanks a lot!
Is 2,500 the payment for the whole 3months? So they'll be the ones to look for a company who'll sponsor him?
Why do you think business visa is better than tourist visa considering that business visa is much more expensive? Just wondering. Thanks! Please tell me the name of the agency and the contact #. Thanks again.
try al-deera travels.. valid for 3months also.
yeah of course i'm interested. I'm trying to check on the rates first and how long will it take. How much do you charge for that? Thanks!