4 Months waiting for Security Clearance.

Hello Forum,
A Work Visa application process which started on 3rd week of May 2011. It took one Month for potential employer to obtain the Ministry of Labour approval. Since (end of June 2011) then however, they have been waiting for the 'security cleance i.e. Almost 4 months on.
I made a visit to Qatar on end of September and visited my potential employer and there I met the senior PRO who deals with Work Permit. Although the PRO said he had applicants waiting since April 2011 he was reluctant to give timescale.
I am of a middle eastern origin and hold a British passport. Someone told me currently they are scrutanising EU/US passport holders of Middle Eastern origin. this been the case or not should I;
-Assume that my application has failed the security clearance and if so, what can possibly be done from either my potential employer or myslef to find out the fate of the security clearance.
- Do they usually inform the employer if the security clearance fails? and after how longa period they do so?
I am tempted to give up on this offer now!
Many thanks for your input and help here!
FlyingAce sounds correct to me. There is little to be done if security clearance fails, but if you have a British passport I see not reason for this.
Flying Ace is a Liar...........Trying to guess rules OF THE cOUNTRY.Why IS HE TRYING TO spread nonsense................ Dear Flying ace,Either speak Truth or just.........SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If your Security Clearence is Rejected then Your Employer can't do anything at all, I suppose if Qatar Refuses to give you Security Clearence, then i am not sure but i suppose you won't be allowed to work in GCC Countries...Best of Luck