Very commendable efforts by the Ministry but I think the process could be even easier. Requiring the Landlord’s QID is an obstacle in times when data protection is so critical. I do appreciate the rationale behind the requirement for the Landlord’s QID and NOC, that is, to ensure the property is not being used in a manner contrary to the lease agreement and without the landlord’s knowledge. However, in my humble view that should be a matter for the landlord and tenant to settle in person or in court and the ministry shouldn’t have to be involved there. Allow the tenancy laws to operate. The tenancy laws suffice. Again that’s just my humble view. Many people live in company accommodation and those who work for large companies with hundreds and thousands of employees face the difficulty of how to obtain the landlord’s NOC and QID for a business their spouse (under their sponsorship) is seeking to register. Most HR departments are clueless about this because it is so new. The new rules apply to photographers and not all photographers execute their work from their home. I was wondering, could exceptions to the Landlord QID and NOC rule be made for photographers who go to clients’ locations to shoot or landscape photographers? Another obstacle is, persons who are sponsored can’t even view the application form if their phone number is registered under their sponsoring spouse’s name. Why? In my humble view, anyone should be able to view the application form to educate themselves on the requirements. Jamaica is regarded as being one of the easiest countries to start a business, maybe when the legislation is being reviewed the decision makers may look at other countries to see if the process could be further simplied.
Very commendable efforts by the Ministry but I think the process could be even easier. Requiring the Landlord’s QID is an obstacle in times when data protection is so critical. I do appreciate the rationale behind the requirement for the Landlord’s QID and NOC, that is, to ensure the property is not being used in a manner contrary to the lease agreement and without the landlord’s knowledge. However, in my humble view that should be a matter for the landlord and tenant to settle in person or in court and the ministry shouldn’t have to be involved there. Allow the tenancy laws to operate. The tenancy laws suffice. Again that’s just my humble view. Many people live in company accommodation and those who work for large companies with hundreds and thousands of employees face the difficulty of how to obtain the landlord’s NOC and QID for a business their spouse (under their sponsorship) is seeking to register. Most HR departments are clueless about this because it is so new. The new rules apply to photographers and not all photographers execute their work from their home. I was wondering, could exceptions to the Landlord QID and NOC rule be made for photographers who go to clients’ locations to shoot or landscape photographers? Another obstacle is, persons who are sponsored can’t even view the application form if their phone number is registered under their sponsoring spouse’s name. Why? In my humble view, anyone should be able to view the application form to educate themselves on the requirements. Jamaica is regarded as being one of the easiest countries to start a business, maybe when the legislation is being reviewed the decision makers may look at other countries to see if the process could be further simplied.