Hi @Ace n K. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences and wishing you the best with your move! It seems like this 'stopover 10day route via a green list country' is viable, from what you have said and also what @immi.700 posted as well, so at least it seems like there is way into Qatar from the UK for the family. May I ask why you chose to travel alone first, with your family to follow you soon, rather than all three of you travel together via Germany/France, which would allow you to all enter together in Qatar?

Thank you for your suggestions re: health insurance, I must admit I had not thought of that! The reason why i'm pushing for us all to travel together is that we have already given notice to both of my sons' schools here in the UK as we have accepted offers for the boys to start school in Qatar at the end of August. So the 'work from home' plan you've suggested wouldn't work for us as we'd need to get the boys in Qatar in time to start school (as a sidenote, the school will accept the boys starting without their QID in place). With all this said, I am still waiting to discuss this with my company's HR and see what they say....will keep you posted here. Best of luck!