Bacha : Hope you understand and read article 1.
Articles (1-9)
We, Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Deputy Emir of Qatar;
Having reviewed the Constitution; Law No. 4 of 1985 on the Organization of Buildings, as amended; And the Labour Law promulgated by Law No. 14 of 2004, as amended;
Law No. 4 of 2008 on leasing Property, as amended;
The Emiri Decree No. 36 of 2009 on the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning; The proposal of the Minister of Municipality and Urban Planning; The draft law submitted by the Council of Ministers; Having consulted the Shura Council;
Hereby promulgate the following:
Article 1
It is prohibited for owners of estates or those who have the right to run such estates, or employers or their representatives to lease, rent or allocate property or parts of property of whatever nature to be a residence for workers groups within family residential areas. A decision by the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning shall be issued to define worker group residential areas and family residential areas and all exceptions in this regard.
Article 2
In the event that workers taking up occupation of any property or part thereof within a family residential area, the municipality concerned shall gather proof of this activity and give written warning by registered mail to the person or persons committing this offence. The offender or offenders are required to ensure the building is vacated by such workers within thirty days of the date of receipt of the warning. In the event that the property is not vacated by the workers within thirty days of receipt of the written warning, the competent municipality director shall issue a decision to enforce official vacation of the property. The offender or offenders concerned may send any complaint concerning the official vacation of the property to the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning by registered mail within fifteen days of the date on which the offender or offenders were served with the notice of the decision of the official vacation. This complaint is to be settled within thirty days of submission. In the event that this period of time elapses without the complaint having been settled then it shall be considered that the complaint has been rejected. In the event that the complaint has not been submitted within the fifteen-day time limit or in the event that the complaint is rejected enforced vacation will be undertaken using such methods as are required by the circumstances. In all cases, the enforced vacation shall not be executed before the date by which any complaint should be resolved or before any relevant period of notice has elapsed.
Article 3
The General Prosecutor in agreement with the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning shall empower selected municipality employees as judicial officers with regard to the seizing of property and the proving of any violation for the purposes of this Law and the making of decisions with regard to the execution of this Law.
Article 4
Any person violating the provisions of Clause 1 of this Law shall be fined no less than Ten Thousand Qatari Riyals QR 10,000 and not more than Fifty Thousand Qatari Riyals QAR 50,000. In the event of a repeat offence this fineshall be no less than Twenty Thousand Qatari Riyals QR (20,000) and not more than One Hundred Thousand Qatari Riyals (QR 100,000). In all cases the court shall rule that the property shall be vacated.
Article 5
Any offence committed under the terms of Clause 1 of this Law may be resolved at the discretion of the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning or his deputy at whatever stage the matter may have reached prior to enforced vacation on payment by the offender or offenders of 50 per cent of the maximum fine provided for in Clause 4 of this Law and the immediate reinstatement of the property for its proper use.
Article 6
Any person to whom the provisions of this Law apply shall comply with its provisions within one year of this Law entering into force. The Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning may extend such term for further similar periods.
Article 7
Any contract or agreement of any nature whatsoeverconcluded on any date prior to the resolution of any offence committed with regard to Article 1 of this Law shall be considered null and void.
Article 8
The Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning shall issue such decisions as are required for the enforcement of the provisions of this Law.
Article 9
All competent authorities, each within their respective areas of competence are liable to enforce this Law. This Law shall enter into force as from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Bacha : Hope you understand and read article 1.
Articles (1-9)
We, Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Deputy Emir of Qatar;
Having reviewed the Constitution; Law No. 4 of 1985 on the Organization of Buildings, as amended; And the Labour Law promulgated by Law No. 14 of 2004, as amended;
Law No. 4 of 2008 on leasing Property, as amended;
The Emiri Decree No. 36 of 2009 on the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning; The proposal of the Minister of Municipality and Urban Planning; The draft law submitted by the Council of Ministers; Having consulted the Shura Council;
Hereby promulgate the following:
Article 1
It is prohibited for owners of estates or those who have the right to run such estates, or employers or their representatives to lease, rent or allocate property or parts of property of whatever nature to be a residence for workers groups within family residential areas. A decision by the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning shall be issued to define worker group residential areas and family residential areas and all exceptions in this regard.
Article 2
In the event that workers taking up occupation of any property or part thereof within a family residential area, the municipality concerned shall gather proof of this activity and give written warning by registered mail to the person or persons committing this offence. The offender or offenders are required to ensure the building is vacated by such workers within thirty days of the date of receipt of the warning. In the event that the property is not vacated by the workers within thirty days of receipt of the written warning, the competent municipality director shall issue a decision to enforce official vacation of the property. The offender or offenders concerned may send any complaint concerning the official vacation of the property to the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning by registered mail within fifteen days of the date on which the offender or offenders were served with the notice of the decision of the official vacation. This complaint is to be settled within thirty days of submission. In the event that this period of time elapses without the complaint having been settled then it shall be considered that the complaint has been rejected. In the event that the complaint has not been submitted within the fifteen-day time limit or in the event that the complaint is rejected enforced vacation will be undertaken using such methods as are required by the circumstances. In all cases, the enforced vacation shall not be executed before the date by which any complaint should be resolved or before any relevant period of notice has elapsed.
Article 3
The General Prosecutor in agreement with the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning shall empower selected municipality employees as judicial officers with regard to the seizing of property and the proving of any violation for the purposes of this Law and the making of decisions with regard to the execution of this Law.
Article 4
Any person violating the provisions of Clause 1 of this Law shall be fined no less than Ten Thousand Qatari Riyals QR 10,000 and not more than Fifty Thousand Qatari Riyals QAR 50,000. In the event of a repeat offence this fineshall be no less than Twenty Thousand Qatari Riyals QR (20,000) and not more than One Hundred Thousand Qatari Riyals (QR 100,000). In all cases the court shall rule that the property shall be vacated.
Article 5
Any offence committed under the terms of Clause 1 of this Law may be resolved at the discretion of the Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning or his deputy at whatever stage the matter may have reached prior to enforced vacation on payment by the offender or offenders of 50 per cent of the maximum fine provided for in Clause 4 of this Law and the immediate reinstatement of the property for its proper use.
Article 6
Any person to whom the provisions of this Law apply shall comply with its provisions within one year of this Law entering into force. The Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning may extend such term for further similar periods.
Article 7
Any contract or agreement of any nature whatsoeverconcluded on any date prior to the resolution of any offence committed with regard to Article 1 of this Law shall be considered null and void.
Article 8
The Minister of Municipality and Housing Planning shall issue such decisions as are required for the enforcement of the provisions of this Law.
Article 9
All competent authorities, each within their respective areas of competence are liable to enforce this Law. This Law shall enter into force as from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.