Basically, an MBA from a top ranked school means a guarantee of quality since the admissions standards are so high. It also means a much stronger alumni network since most of the students there are top performers from their respective countries. In the United States, companies hire "Harvard", "INSEAD", or "Stanford", because they know this. Simply stated, 20k is way too low because I can make double that working in America. If you look at starting salaries from top schools you will see that. If an employer will compare me to someone that graduated from an MBA program that isn't even ranked in the top 100 worldwide, then clearly that employer doesn't value what I bring to the table. Essentially, any company that wants to hire me, or any other graduate has to pay a competitive salary. If an Indian MBA is willing to work for 20k a month that's fine for him, but an American MBA would never do that because the cost of an MBA at a top school in Europe is $50-100k in Europe and $100-150k in America. Making 20k a month would be significantly less than what is on offer in the west and nowhere near what a person would need to make in order to have a decent return on investment. That should answer your question.
Basically, an MBA from a top ranked school means a guarantee of quality since the admissions standards are so high. It also means a much stronger alumni network since most of the students there are top performers from their respective countries. In the United States, companies hire "Harvard", "INSEAD", or "Stanford", because they know this. Simply stated, 20k is way too low because I can make double that working in America. If you look at starting salaries from top schools you will see that. If an employer will compare me to someone that graduated from an MBA program that isn't even ranked in the top 100 worldwide, then clearly that employer doesn't value what I bring to the table. Essentially, any company that wants to hire me, or any other graduate has to pay a competitive salary. If an Indian MBA is willing to work for 20k a month that's fine for him, but an American MBA would never do that because the cost of an MBA at a top school in Europe is $50-100k in Europe and $100-150k in America. Making 20k a month would be significantly less than what is on offer in the west and nowhere near what a person would need to make in order to have a decent return on investment. That should answer your question.