If emoloyer has started black mailing to their employee that f you go to labor court for salary delay complain then we will put your cheque in police which company took by saying we will guve you cash loan then you can return in installments but once they received cheque then they said no money and they said this cheque is now for company safety and for us black mailing. Due to this if we lost health, pressure from banks then who will be responsible. And if he took sign on final settlement by giving half amount that if you not sign we will put your cheque in police. Then we can do. This is real happening . Pls advise Sir. Special request with labor department.
If emoloyer has started black mailing to their employee that f you go to labor court for salary delay complain then we will put your cheque in police which company took by saying we will guve you cash loan then you can return in installments but once they received cheque then they said no money and they said this cheque is now for company safety and for us black mailing. Due to this if we lost health, pressure from banks then who will be responsible. And if he took sign on final settlement by giving half amount that if you not sign we will put your cheque in police. Then we can do. This is real happening . Pls advise Sir. Special request with labor department.