Possible you can get a halt for a few hours outside Colombo.
But you have to check with Sri Lankan Airlines Check in Counter at Doha Airport if they will allow you to checked your baggage to your final destination which is Kochi (COK).
Airline will not give your a Boarding Pass from CMB/COK if you tell them that you will be leaving CMB Airport.
This is Airlines procedure for Security reasons.
Nano, have you been to Colombo? Have you been food poisoned before Don't go to any Sri lankan Restaurant or not even to Malayalee Hotel. .
Possible you can get a halt for a few hours outside Colombo.
But you have to check with Sri Lankan Airlines Check in Counter at Doha Airport if they will allow you to checked your baggage to your final destination which is Kochi (COK).
Airline will not give your a Boarding Pass from CMB/COK if you tell them that you will be leaving CMB Airport.
This is Airlines procedure for Security reasons.
Nano, have you been to Colombo? Have you been food poisoned before Don't go to any Sri lankan Restaurant or not even to Malayalee Hotel. .