Brit and MM are among QL most famous critics/comment givers. Well this all was actually a Drama like most of Indian schools do here. Real action is done other way ;-)
But education levels of Indian schools here are lower as compared to most of public and convent schools back in India. BTW those who weren't lucky, there are other open options too...
Congrats to those who got lucky and hope their forms are 100% correctly filled that their lad will face a region oriented environment and interaction in the premises. Enthusiasts can watch videos on school's website to know and evaluate the teaching and discipline standards..
Really this matters (extract from school's webpage), well I doubt about it : The pre-Registration Form that you submit online will be carefully scrutinized. If false information is provided, your pre-Registration will be considered invalid. And in that case, your child will not be considered for Admission.
Brit and MM are among QL most famous critics/comment givers. Well this all was actually a Drama like most of Indian schools do here. Real action is done other way ;-)
But education levels of Indian schools here are lower as compared to most of public and convent schools back in India. BTW those who weren't lucky, there are other open options too...
Congrats to those who got lucky and hope their forms are 100% correctly filled that their lad will face a region oriented environment and interaction in the premises. Enthusiasts can watch videos on school's website to know and evaluate the teaching and discipline standards..
Really this matters (extract from school's webpage), well I doubt about it : The pre-Registration Form that you submit online will be carefully scrutinized. If false information is provided, your pre-Registration will be considered invalid. And in that case, your child will not be considered for Admission.