Ignorance is bliss sometimes, please make your way to UK or any European country using this passport. At immigration, you will be welcomed by security and personal escort you to a room, for a welcome chat with coffee, there maybe some friendly push and shove, bruising may occur. Also use of telephone book on your chest might be required to see if your medically fit. After that they will take you to your hotel room at the police station, where you will be sharing a bed with other friendly guests. Good Luck!
Ignorance is bliss sometimes, please make your way to UK or any European country using this passport. At immigration, you will be welcomed by security and personal escort you to a room, for a welcome chat with coffee, there maybe some friendly push and shove, bruising may occur. Also use of telephone book on your chest might be required to see if your medically fit. After that they will take you to your hotel room at the police station, where you will be sharing a bed with other friendly guests. Good Luck!