Why they are targeting Qatar?Because of jealousy? The writer of that article may not have visited India where millions of labors r working in Mumbai Delhi Bangalore in worst loving conditions or other countries. What are the living consitions of oil company wmployees being house arrested almost becoz they get abducted by Boko Haram and all.

Just becoz of getting the chance to host FIFA western countries are uselessly targetting Qatar. Why cant theywrite about the much better life of expats in Qatar? With zero crime rate it should be in top ten peaceful countries but surprisingly they put all European countries in the list including Denmark where whale massacre is a popular game and other horrible things happens.

If werstern media feels what they write is truth than this is sheer blind mindedness of them becoz now whole world knows that who is behind this n what is the reason of unrest in Middle East.

It is much better for westeners to focus where their senators r spending tax payers money to spread the wars rather than spending on their own citizens. Atleast Qatar government is busy is its own progress and taking care of each and every citizen.World class medical facilities are available for everybody here, life is peaceful, Rulers are open minded and progressive.