According to Islam and all divinely revealed religions, when a person dies on earth he will not be reborn until the Day of Resurrection. After the destruction of the world, all of mankind will rise up from the dead to be judged by Allah, the only God worthy of worship and the Greatest of Judges. From the time a man dies until he is resurrected, he remains in a suspended state known in Arabic as the "Barzakh". [A partition]. "It should not seem strange to think that someone who died thousands of years ago, may be waiting for thousands of years before finally being brought back to life', because the Prophet (SAW) had said that everyone's death is the beginning of his resurrection. Time only exists for those living on earth. Once a man dies, he leaves the time zone and a thousand years becomes a blinking of an eye. Similarly people who awaken from long comas often think that little or no time has passed.