1K Driving School package, never! You must be living 20 years back. If you are choosing a driving school no matter where you are, go for a reputable one. Ask around which ones are good. Gulf Driving, Al Khebra, United Driving, etc Many to choose from. Also please take the full one, if you never driven in Gulf Countries. It is a must that you get used to the traffic or you will end up with expensive and time consuming accident.
1K Driving School package, never! You must be living 20 years back. If you are choosing a driving school no matter where you are, go for a reputable one. Ask around which ones are good. Gulf Driving, Al Khebra, United Driving, etc Many to choose from. Also please take the full one, if you never driven in Gulf Countries. It is a must that you get used to the traffic or you will end up with expensive and time consuming accident.