prior to change your profession you must complete at least one year with this sponsor, if this condition met then you can process to change, for that you need your
1. old and new labour contract signed by sponsor
2. sponsor ID and his Kahramaa bill
3. License of the company for business
4. computer sheet of company
5. your attested certificate
6. copy of old ID
7. Bank statement 6 month
with all docs fill an application for job change and proceed to labour department at C ring, near to mountazah petrol shed . if possible get support of your PRO for all above.gudluck
prior to change your profession you must complete at least one year with this sponsor, if this condition met then you can process to change, for that you need your
1. old and new labour contract signed by sponsor
2. sponsor ID and his Kahramaa bill
3. License of the company for business
4. computer sheet of company
5. your attested certificate
6. copy of old ID
7. Bank statement 6 month
with all docs fill an application for job change and proceed to labour department at C ring, near to mountazah petrol shed . if possible get support of your PRO for all above.gudluck