I had a strange encounter once at wakrah beach behind the man-made hill. There is small road behind this hill that leads into the sea. The access to this road is blocked as there is some construction activity going on. The watchman lets me in as he is my friend. I live near wakrah grave yard. So I come jogging to the beach and then have a short stroll on the beach and then take the road till it ends into the sea. I always go there when its dark and no one is around except for the watchman. A few months ago when I reached the end of the road and was on my way back suddenly I saw two shiny objects sparkling in the sand below the road. It was dark as there was no moon just a little light from wakrah jetty. I stopped and saw a dog staring at me and a lady with white or blond hair beside it. The dog just stared at me for a few minutes and did not bark or move nor did the lady. I looked towards the beach to see if there was any vehicle parked and there was none. That really scared me and I did the sign of the cross and ran towards the watchman. I told him I saw a lady with the dog beside the road but he said he did not let anyone in. He came with me and we could not find anyone. I never went back there for a couple of months. Last I went there was a few days ago and during the day time. I have no idea what I saw in the dark. I do not believe in ghosts.
I had a strange encounter once at wakrah beach behind the man-made hill. There is small road behind this hill that leads into the sea. The access to this road is blocked as there is some construction activity going on. The watchman lets me in as he is my friend. I live near wakrah grave yard. So I come jogging to the beach and then have a short stroll on the beach and then take the road till it ends into the sea. I always go there when its dark and no one is around except for the watchman. A few months ago when I reached the end of the road and was on my way back suddenly I saw two shiny objects sparkling in the sand below the road. It was dark as there was no moon just a little light from wakrah jetty. I stopped and saw a dog staring at me and a lady with white or blond hair beside it. The dog just stared at me for a few minutes and did not bark or move nor did the lady. I looked towards the beach to see if there was any vehicle parked and there was none. That really scared me and I did the sign of the cross and ran towards the watchman. I told him I saw a lady with the dog beside the road but he said he did not let anyone in. He came with me and we could not find anyone. I never went back there for a couple of months. Last I went there was a few days ago and during the day time. I have no idea what I saw in the dark. I do not believe in ghosts.