Was just searching online regarding Dr. Rohit Jain's treatment and I stumbled upon this page. I couldn't help registering for one comment to post here. Will this comment of mine be proven enough to stage him as FAKE? Am I being taken as a fake reviewer as well? What I know is I'm a sufferer and under Dr. Rohit Jain's treatment for 2 years, I felt lot better. It's not just the treatment, you've to change the lifestyle as well, know your food and the way you live. I have had anal fistula, in worst condition with foul smell and pain, had I not met Dr Jain online, I would have gone through under scissors and knowing so many relapse cases and further implications, I believed my body's ..(cont)
Was just searching online regarding Dr. Rohit Jain's treatment and I stumbled upon this page. I couldn't help registering for one comment to post here. Will this comment of mine be proven enough to stage him as FAKE? Am I being taken as a fake reviewer as well? What I know is I'm a sufferer and under Dr. Rohit Jain's treatment for 2 years, I felt lot better. It's not just the treatment, you've to change the lifestyle as well, know your food and the way you live. I have had anal fistula, in worst condition with foul smell and pain, had I not met Dr Jain online, I would have gone through under scissors and knowing so many relapse cases and further implications, I believed my body's ..(cont)