Another “most valuable ting” to this list. NO. 7. Plutonium: the average price of a gram per U.S. $ 4,000. NO. 15. Gold: price ranges per gram to about U.S. $ 56. “in between” NO. 6. and NO 7. there is another “most valuable thing”:
Jackson Pollock`s painting from 1948, New York. It weighs ca. 5000 gr. Canvas;costprice on the market 20.000.000 $ that is 4.000 $ pr. Gram.
You can see the painting here:
I can say, that this painting is on private hands with me in Copenhagen. It can be seen on ArtPrice, France Gallery.
Another “most valuable ting” to this list. NO. 7. Plutonium: the average price of a gram per U.S. $ 4,000. NO. 15. Gold: price ranges per gram to about U.S. $ 56. “in between” NO. 6. and NO 7. there is another “most valuable thing”:
Jackson Pollock`s painting from 1948, New York. It weighs ca. 5000 gr. Canvas;costprice on the market 20.000.000 $ that is 4.000 $ pr. Gram.
You can see the painting here:
I can say, that this painting is on private hands with me in Copenhagen. It can be seen on ArtPrice, France Gallery.