Scene 3

Sulieman : No, Rizks, we don't hire balds and you can't also wear your lungi here.

Rizks : You destroyed my dreams :O(
Sulieman : Whatever -_-

Then Rizks looks at Gypsy gal again, she looked back (Blank stare), then he went closer to her saying "Hey, Can i join" **Flirting eyes**

Gypsy Gal: Of course No
Rizks : Why oh Why, I am bootiful
Same moment Soniya just came from the coffee shop door, seeing her date Rizks flirting another gal (So sad)
Soniya : You one-eyed lizard, are you cheating on me?
Gypsy gal : watch your mouth, I will never date someone like this :/

New entry
Brit : I have something to tell you soniya,, Rizks is your brother (tatatataaaa)

Indian dance