The first scene
Rizks at his emporium making some Karak and adding some drugs to it.

Soniya : OMG, what you are doing you bald
Rizks : I just lost the most of my customers, they are going to Sulieman's Cafe' to drink some Turkish coffee, and this drugs will make them ask for more :O(
Soniya : You stoopid, go there and learn and then add it to your menu :/

Scence 2
Sulieman making some coffee to Gypsy Gal

Sulieman : Here is your coffee Gypsy, taste it and tell me what do you think?
Gypsy gal : Oh God, that's the best thing I've ever taste.
Sulieman : ohh thanks,, **Happy eyes**
Rizks : after seeing GG (*_*), Hello sulieman the great, can you hire me here.
..... To be continued