In my point of view: its better to eat out of their sight for fasting people as a sign of respect.
Pantry is a safe place, if your tea boy is on fasting he should know how to avoid people eating inside as our tea boy did. Once we enter the pantry he will automatically go out as he know no other place for us to eat.
As a christian we have sometimes do fasting, and its my greater challenge to exposed myself to the people eating in front of me but for them I think its impolite and disrespecful.
In my point of view: its better to eat out of their sight for fasting people as a sign of respect.
Pantry is a safe place, if your tea boy is on fasting he should know how to avoid people eating inside as our tea boy did. Once we enter the pantry he will automatically go out as he know no other place for us to eat.
As a christian we have sometimes do fasting, and its my greater challenge to exposed myself to the people eating in front of me but for them I think its impolite and disrespecful.