BG ,, Thanks dear ,, You are such a good supporter :O)
Brit ,, You made my day,, this ARGH is the longest, strongest Ever :O) Now we should fix your muscle :O(
cherukkan ,, It is not for Ramadan it is applicable from this Thursday for ever Ramadan timing is everyday from 8am -2 pm That is the thing :O(
Player ,, How did you know :/
Zafirah ,, 8 am - 2 pm :p Same in Ramadan and i have an extra half an hour to sleep :p
BG ,, Thanks dear ,, You are such a good supporter :O)
Brit ,, You made my day,, this ARGH is the longest, strongest Ever :O)
Now we should fix your muscle :O(
cherukkan ,, It is not for Ramadan it is applicable from this Thursday for ever
Ramadan timing is everyday from 8am -2 pm
That is the thing :O(
Player ,, How did you know :/
Zafirah ,, 8 am - 2 pm :p
Same in Ramadan and i have an extra half an hour to sleep :p