Smoke kanjoos... let me explain....
You buy a car QR 100,000
say after 5 yrs you sell it for QR 50,000 are you happy?
You lease the same car for QR 4,000 per month from the bank... in a year you have paid QR 48,000... in two years 96,000... in three years QR 144,000... should I continue up to 5yrs smoke
Dont think you can make profit from the banks....
Smoke kanjoos... let me explain....
You buy a car QR 100,000
say after 5 yrs you sell it for QR 50,000 are you happy?
You lease the same car for QR 4,000 per month from the bank... in a year you have paid QR 48,000... in two years 96,000... in three years QR 144,000... should I continue up to 5yrs smoke
Dont think you can make profit from the banks....