Can't open gulf news but it is in today’s GT (pg 16) too which says, His (Branson’s) star turn on the flight from Australia’s Perth to the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur came after he lost a Grand Prix bet with the Malaysian budget carrier’s founder. Virgin boss Branson agreed with AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandes in 2010 that whoever’s Formula One team — then Virgin and Lotus — finished their debut season lower would serve as a stewardess on the other’s airline.
lol...nice twist to the story...:)
Can't open gulf news but it is in today’s GT (pg 16) too which says, His (Branson’s) star turn on the flight from Australia’s Perth to the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur came after he lost a Grand Prix bet with the Malaysian budget carrier’s founder. Virgin boss Branson agreed with AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandes in 2010 that whoever’s Formula One team — then Virgin and Lotus — finished their debut season lower would serve as a stewardess on the other’s airline.