i'm an ardent lover of dogs. I did not want salukis because I've previously had terrible experiences mingling with them. i was admitted for weeks after I was terribly attacked. That's when the "pet centers" (like I mentioned as I did not want to name them) stopped responding to me when I asked for other breeds. They kept saying they have salukis. I tried contacting them everyday and they probably knew I was serious about adopting one. They had good ones, but resisted to give it to me. And the kind of treatment I received at these pet centers are ridiculous! I would rather not explain. I have NEVER considered dogs or any other animal as a toy like the user above mentioned. Had I ever treated dogs like that, I wouldn't spend such a ridiculous amount to own one, nor spend such a ridiculous amount to get him treated. I would have thrown away the pup on the streets to die if I were one like that. So, please stop using such words before you know the truth. I said they were not ready to give them away to Indians because another Indian friend of mine was also treated this way when they approached pet centers. Which means this is common and cannot be denied.