I havn't moved or been to Qatar yet ... but we will be relocating there in March.
I'd like to thank you MrQ for your site and blog. I'm been reading it ... finding somethings useful. But 2 things -- on the Cost of Living on your forum, the info is dated 2008 ... so its outdated or still current? And secondly, I'm reading a lot of Western comparing Qatar to their countries ... but not reading much info about " other people". I come from Algeria ... if I look at the prices on the list, they're really high compared to here ... BUT if you calculate in the salary differences I'm seeing Qatar is actually in many ways cheaper then my country. I think people are forgetting that countries like US or UK, everything is purposely cheaper so people spent MORE money. I doubt they're paying the REAL COST of things ... everything is substidized I know for instance in the US. So I don't appreciate the comparison. Reading on the negative comments on Qatar (how boring and not free it is) then also how expensive it is really discouraging ... luckily I'm a Muslim and I'll coming with my family ... so I doubt for me it'll be boring or not "free" enough LOL ... cost of living again I estimate will be a lot lower for my family than many Westerns since we don't usually eat out or need to buy expensive imported brands. I can "go native" LOL as I've read many times on here ... and we def won't be involved in drinking or partying .... so I "think" somehow we"ll manage. I wish some normal/average Muslims would give their opinions ... Anyway enjoying the forum and also your site/blog MrQ