@gmz21 by a widely agreed theory, I meant the big bang was agreed upon by many ,not that its any more famous than other theories.
And a theory is fact, but not a completely understood fact.
Now for example gravity is a theory, it's just that it has various concepts, it doesn't mean it is not true.
"there is a very high rate of crime, which wasn't around the time during Saddam's time."
And I say again if you really think that(not to you generally speaking) ,it seems that you aren't really aware of the atrocities the Saddam regime has done.
For example oppressing the majority of the country and brutally murdering them (The Shias) , by his Sunni regime so he can take the control of the whole country and it's economics.
I really can't see how people consider being enslaved, shot or murdered in front of your family and being forced to watch "safety".
Freedom cannot occur without safety and vice versa.