Sadly it's just another talking shop. Hot air. The chances of producing any significant agreements are Zero - in my opinion.
And the irony of holding it in one of the least environmentally friendly countries on Earth will not be lost on many delegates. Qatar should think carefully before hosting conferences like this. Will the overall impression of the nation gained by attendees be positive? I rather doubt it.
I believe QP are currently flaring off even more sulphur laden gas near Messaieed than usual. Tons of the stuff going up in smoke.
Sadly it's just another talking shop. Hot air. The chances of producing any significant agreements are Zero - in my opinion.
And the irony of holding it in one of the least environmentally friendly countries on Earth will not be lost on many delegates. Qatar should think carefully before hosting conferences like this. Will the overall impression of the nation gained by attendees be positive? I rather doubt it.
I believe QP are currently flaring off even more sulphur laden gas near Messaieed than usual. Tons of the stuff going up in smoke.