Nevertheless, my name is is read in backwards and nick name is RED, and I'm still single, so even if some relatives wnated to call me , they call Abu Ahmad. :P
To: Landloverreview. Well, only in emergency situations this could be allowed and when all signals which for straight or left turn is green. But in this photo the left signal is RED, so the driver could hit any of the cars comming from the other sides and blocking the whole intersection!.
By the way, I was typing to answer you, but it seems you have read my mind before i post this reply to you :P.
Also, I thought your name was Landrover vehicle lover, but I have just read it clearly now! ^_^.
Thanks Tahsinmim.
Nevertheless, my name is is read in backwards and nick name is RED, and I'm still single, so even if some relatives wnated to call me , they call Abu Ahmad. :P
To: Landloverreview. Well, only in emergency situations this could be allowed and when all signals which for straight or left turn is green. But in this photo the left signal is RED, so the driver could hit any of the cars comming from the other sides and blocking the whole intersection!.
By the way, I was typing to answer you, but it seems you have read my mind before i post this reply to you :P.
Also, I thought your name was Landrover vehicle lover, but I have just read it clearly now! ^_^.
Best wishes