However, I believe that we have to change our habbits in everything, not just about food!.
Nevertheless, as transportations was and still important here in Qatar, In the other hand, you can't deny it has affected negatively on most of people in here.
Although, we have to act fast and start using our feet in something useful and better than just driving the car.
Peace be upon you, and how do you do st100282 ?.
However, I believe that we have to change our habbits in everything, not just about food!.
Nevertheless, as transportations was and still important here in Qatar, In the other hand, you can't deny it has affected negatively on most of people in here.
Although, we have to act fast and start using our feet in something useful and better than just driving the car.
Take care and may God bless you.
Best wishes for a good and healthy body.