No I don't Brit, and I think, given the lack of evidence, that that was a rather stupid comment to make. And given that it's in the Daily Fail, I wonder how much it's been misconstrued.
To say that porn leads to a distorted picture of what relationships are, sure, there's evidence to support that, to say that it leads to kids raping each other is HIGHLY simplistic.
Let's look at this: there were 357 arrests of children 18 and under for sexual assault. Now for one lets assume that these are ALL cases of attempted rape, rather than kids getting arrested for sexting, having consensual sex and the parents reporting it as rape, or just parents over-reacting about kids playing doctor.
Now, where does the Daily Mail and this "spokesperson" from the NSPCC get off telling people that kids watching porn will turn them into rapists? The stats don't show that. The facts don't show that.
No I don't Brit, and I think, given the lack of evidence, that that was a rather stupid comment to make. And given that it's in the Daily Fail, I wonder how much it's been misconstrued.
To say that porn leads to a distorted picture of what relationships are, sure, there's evidence to support that, to say that it leads to kids raping each other is HIGHLY simplistic.
Let's look at this: there were 357 arrests of children 18 and under for sexual assault. Now for one lets assume that these are ALL cases of attempted rape, rather than kids getting arrested for sexting, having consensual sex and the parents reporting it as rape, or just parents over-reacting about kids playing doctor.
So, 357 arrests.
There are 13,111,023 under 18 year olds in the Uk.
I would say at least 95% of them have access to the same porn that those 357 have.
Now, according the NSPCC, nearly a quarter of these 13 million kids have experienced sexual abuse from an adult:
Now, one of the main tell tale signs that a child has been sexually abused is:
Displays knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to his or her age, or even seductive behavior.
Now, where does the Daily Mail and this "spokesperson" from the NSPCC get off telling people that kids watching porn will turn them into rapists? The stats don't show that. The facts don't show that.