Oh the Daily Mail, what is a day without daily mail fear mongering.
While I think the issue is more parents not talking to their children openly and honestly about sex, I do think that porn can effect children if they have access to it to young.
Parents need to monitor their children's internet activity. Full stop.
However, reading the stats in the Daily Mail article, I question how many of those children were being sexually abused in some way at home, and given the more widespread education of children about sexual abuse, are being reported when they abuse a fellow students (something which before was passed off as "playing doctor")
I mean look at this: "The figures, obtained by the Daily Mail under a Freedom of Information request, highlight growing concerns at the influence of online pornography on impressionable young minds."
The figures CAN'T give you an impression of anything, they are just stats. They don't say the reasons why the crimes were committed, that's totally conjecture from the Daily Mail.
Oh the Daily Mail, what is a day without daily mail fear mongering.
While I think the issue is more parents not talking to their children openly and honestly about sex, I do think that porn can effect children if they have access to it to young.
Parents need to monitor their children's internet activity. Full stop.
However, reading the stats in the Daily Mail article, I question how many of those children were being sexually abused in some way at home, and given the more widespread education of children about sexual abuse, are being reported when they abuse a fellow students (something which before was passed off as "playing doctor")
I mean look at this: "The figures, obtained by the Daily Mail under a Freedom of Information request, highlight growing concerns at the influence of online pornography on impressionable young minds."
The figures CAN'T give you an impression of anything, they are just stats. They don't say the reasons why the crimes were committed, that's totally conjecture from the Daily Mail.