Bad safety and working practices. Its possible that the driver driving this vehicle had not been trained properly or may even have been made to overwork. Also perhaps this high value, highly risky cargo and a serious fire hazard was given to just any driver who perhaps did not know the risk of the cargo he was carrying. Perhaps he was just one of those drivers who was poorly paid to carry such a highly dangerous and inflamaable cargo. Its a wake up call for all to see that drivers and other employees are trained properly for the jobs they are entrusted to do and paid decent wages
Bad safety and working practices. Its possible that the driver driving this vehicle had not been trained properly or may even have been made to overwork. Also perhaps this high value, highly risky cargo and a serious fire hazard was given to just any driver who perhaps did not know the risk of the cargo he was carrying. Perhaps he was just one of those drivers who was poorly paid to carry such a highly dangerous and inflamaable cargo. Its a wake up call for all to see that drivers and other employees are trained properly for the jobs they are entrusted to do and paid decent wages