Both painther. And here's my "counter-evidence"

Premenstrual syndrome in women has been over-estimated and may not be the cause of women’s bad moods at certain times of the month.

That’s the controversial suggestion by Canadian researchers, who have suggested that symptoms such as irritability are often unfairly blamed on a woman’s period when other factors such as stress or a lack of support may be to blame.

In a new study published in the journal Gender Medicine, researchers at the University of Toronto assessed a wealth of research relating to premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

They concluded it ‘failed to provide clear evidence in support of the existence of a specific premenstrual negative mood syndrome’.

The problem is we tend to dismissively blame everything on PMS, disregarding other reasons why women may be angry or upset.

‘The idea that any emotionality in women can be firstly attributed to their reproductive function - we're sceptical about that,’ lead researcher Dr Sarah Romans told The Atlantic.