A graveyard of empires, Afghanistan will not change much in two years, as it has not changed much in many centuries. It has remained a place of warlike Afghans who have been impossible to conquer in the past and still remain unconquered. The foreign troops will leave and their departure would only mark another failed attempt to achieve anything in Afghanistan.

The country is as lawless now, if not more, as it has always been throughout the history.

The only thing that hurts me is the huge loss of human life and enormous wealth in the failed Afghan cause. If Russia and US had not started their proxy war in Afghanistan, there would have been no Taliban, and I dare say, no OBL. So many lives could have been spared in the world trade center, Afghanistan and many other places in the world.

The resources which Afghanistan has consumed, and still is consuming, are not insignificant. Just imagine the same wealth and human expertise which today is being expended in Afghanistan, if had been spent in another cause, for instance research and technology, how better would the world must have been.

The first decade of the twenty-first century was indeed a most unfortunate one. The United States got caught up in a war which consumed so much. Just imagine how things could have been different had this money and decade been spent in a war against diabetes mellitus, HIV and many other ugly diseases. At least, we could have hoped a more certain victory in that war. In the Afghan war, it is more of a deadlock than anything else.

Let us pray that the 2nd decade is not the same as the first one. Let us hope that wars come to an end, and let us hope that humanity find other productive ways to engage itself in. I wish I could see in my life humankind win the war against disease and suffering.