When a student talks about the behaviour of the children in the school then i think he or she is a better source than anyone about the subject.. There is a limiit to which a teacher can be pushed by the students and if they crossed the limit you cant blame the tutor for it. As for mr mark shouting to the pupils to tuck their shirts in, tucking shirts in is part of the rules so mr. Mark is trying to enforce the rules to " maintain order" which you think the school lacks .he deserves credit for this.
The school dates were already posted on the portal months in advance and they have apparently been followed. The sms that was given to parents was to remind us about the opening dates of school. Please tell me how the "worst school in the universe" can obtain 87% A*-C results in IGCSE examinations and how consistantly students can get the highest marks in IGCSE subjects in all of qatar.
Yeah they might be doing something right.....