To nip the evil in bud is crucial as a stitch in time saves nine. That no mercy should be meted out to this rascally blackguard of a teacher for his senseless infraction of our values. That he found it so easy to brazenly compromise the modesty of a female clearly underscores the importance of a strict law in place to prevent such incidents from ever happening again. In all likelihood, he was trying to test the limits of the people of this country. Unless, he was a complete retard and a psychopath, he would, in all sanity never have tried to do this for fun. It is important that now he be taken to task with the same seriousness with he committed this crime.

It is so clear that many among us, most likely out of their voyer urges, are not only keeping silent over the matter, but are even not shying away from publicly protecting the transgressor. It is these voyers who are responsible for making a showpiece of the womankind, depriving womanhood of her richest ornament: modesty. There were many people even among the Christians and the Jews who tried to oppose these voyers from materializing their dream of making every woman come out in the nude. However, they were still successful in the west.

Now, they have made their evil designs to engulf the orient as well. But so long as sensible people live, these monstrous rascals will never succeed in snatching off the dress of modesty from a woman.

If someone asks my daughter, my wife, my sister to not enter the class just because she is wearing her scarf, I would rather crack the voyer's head like an egg than become a supporter for him. The daughter of another muslim is no less sacred to me.