Pass the Ist circle - [ Hummer cars ] - keep in the right track, 200 meters, look for the sign board at right side of road '' Borders .... '' this is also 1st right turn to a street.
Turn right at the sign board,
drive 50 metres ,again look for the '' Borders ...'' sign board , follow and turn right, drive 20 metres.
At at T Junction [ same sign board ] turn right , then bend to left ,15 metres, one more left bend,look for parking at left side, open space.
On the right , a villa is the place you are looking for, A national flag at roof top .. !!
Take the token, be seated, wait for your turn ..
Good Luck.
I wish I could have offered you Tea and Samosas ...
When you come from Doha to Wakra.
Pass the Ist circle - [ Hummer cars ] - keep in the right track, 200 meters, look for the sign board at right side of road '' Borders .... '' this is also 1st right turn to a street.
Turn right at the sign board,
drive 50 metres ,again look for the '' Borders ...'' sign board , follow and turn right, drive 20 metres.
At at T Junction [ same sign board ] turn right , then bend to left ,15 metres, one more left bend,look for parking at left side, open space.
On the right , a villa is the place you are looking for, A national flag at roof top .. !!
Take the token, be seated, wait for your turn ..
Good Luck.
I wish I could have offered you Tea and Samosas ...