1.It doesn't bother you to see two men kissing. - Nope
2.There's nothing wrong with an 18 year old dating at 45 year old. - As long as they are both consenting to the relationship, nope.
3.If people should be allowed to drink alcohol, they should be allowed to smoke pot.-Yup
4.You don't think monogamy is necessarily the only way.-Nope I don't. (it's right for me though)
5.You think most illegal drugs should be legal. - I think they should be legal and monitored.
6.You could be friends with both a liberal Democrat and a conservative Republican. - I am.
7.You wouldn't secretly judge a friend who had an STD. - No I haven't.
8.You have friends that are very rich - and friends that are very poor. - Yes I do.
8.There isn't a race that you wouldn't consider dating. - Nope
9.You don't think any one religion is better than any other. - I think they are all equally foolish.
10.You aren't offended by off color jokes - even racist or sexist ones. - Nope.
11.You aren't bothered by public nudity. - Not at all.
12.You think that everyone is probably a little bisexual. - Yes I do.
13.You don't think less of someone who is on welfare.- No I don't.
14.You could potentially be friends with anyone, even someone you may dislike intensely right now. - Sure, why not.
15.You will try any type of food, even if it's very exotic and strange smelling. - I would love to, but smell is a factor cause I have an iffy tummy with smells.
16.You are open to debating your beliefs at almost any time, with anyone. - Sure.
17.You think there may be something to astrology, tarot, and fortune telling. - Sure, why not? If you believe in God, why not this stuff?
18.It's fairly possible that your political beliefs might shift radically over time. - They could.
19.You listen to (and appreciate) all types of music. - I do.
20.You can appreciate trends without worrying about feeling trendy. - I buy my clothes at Carrefour. But I totally get the thick glasses thing.
21.You think that it's possible that people have had contact with aliens. -I think they have!
22.You would engage someone from a strange religion who was going to door to door. - I always wanted a Jeovah's Witness to come to my door.
23.If your lover cheated on you, you would listen to their explanation and consider staying with them. - I would.
24.You could be convinced to change your mind on an important ethnical issue - like abortion or war. - I could. However I haven't heard any particularly convincing arguments yet.


FS, snake tastes like chicken. I had some in Vietnam. Scorpion tastes like paste. I didn't really like it.