It's pro-CHOICE not pro-ABORTION. Pro-Abortion makes it sound like you want people to go out and abort every baby.
I am pro-choice, meaning, that while I would never choose to have an abortion myself (unless for severe medical reasons) I would NEVER EVER make that decision for another woman.
Also, the minute you start saying: This woman can have an abortion, and this woman can't, is the moment you get into a lot of problems and abuse of the system.
Frankly, if you are using abortion as a method of birth control, than you should never ever be allowed to have a child as you are the most irresponsible person on the face of the planet. And for those who say they aren't for using abortion as a method of birth control, what do you call the morning after pill? A chemical abortion is still an abortion.
As for abortion for rape. I can't imagine being forced to carry the child of the person you hate more than anything else on the face of the planet. To those who can convince themselves that the child is harmless, good for you, but you'll be stuck watching that child like a hawk while it grows waiting for it to do one thing that makes you think that they will grow up to be a rapist, that isn't fair on the child, not to mention, can you imagine being the child? Knowing that your father was a rapist?
Don't even get me started on incest related births.
What if you're a couple who find out they are having a child with severe disabilities, and you know that neither you nor your marriage could handle it? I don't think I could bring a child who will be in pain into the world.
As for adoption. The adoption system is only good if you are a healthy parent giving up a healthy child. If you're a crack head giving up a crack baby, that child will likely never be adopted. And due to disclosure laws, yes, the likely adoptive parents must know EVERYTHING. Including if you are the child of rape. And most adoptive parents (with the exception of gay couples who will take any child going and say thanks, but who are unfortunately blocked from adopting in a lot of countries) will not take unhealthy, or possibly psychologically scarred children.
It's pro-CHOICE not pro-ABORTION. Pro-Abortion makes it sound like you want people to go out and abort every baby.
I am pro-choice, meaning, that while I would never choose to have an abortion myself (unless for severe medical reasons) I would NEVER EVER make that decision for another woman.
Also, the minute you start saying: This woman can have an abortion, and this woman can't, is the moment you get into a lot of problems and abuse of the system.
Frankly, if you are using abortion as a method of birth control, than you should never ever be allowed to have a child as you are the most irresponsible person on the face of the planet. And for those who say they aren't for using abortion as a method of birth control, what do you call the morning after pill? A chemical abortion is still an abortion.
As for abortion for rape. I can't imagine being forced to carry the child of the person you hate more than anything else on the face of the planet. To those who can convince themselves that the child is harmless, good for you, but you'll be stuck watching that child like a hawk while it grows waiting for it to do one thing that makes you think that they will grow up to be a rapist, that isn't fair on the child, not to mention, can you imagine being the child? Knowing that your father was a rapist?
Don't even get me started on incest related births.
What if you're a couple who find out they are having a child with severe disabilities, and you know that neither you nor your marriage could handle it? I don't think I could bring a child who will be in pain into the world.
As for adoption. The adoption system is only good if you are a healthy parent giving up a healthy child. If you're a crack head giving up a crack baby, that child will likely never be adopted. And due to disclosure laws, yes, the likely adoptive parents must know EVERYTHING. Including if you are the child of rape. And most adoptive parents (with the exception of gay couples who will take any child going and say thanks, but who are unfortunately blocked from adopting in a lot of countries) will not take unhealthy, or possibly psychologically scarred children.