1. You were on the inner lane - fast lane .
2. Your speed was 19 KM/H .
3. You were too late to respond - give way .
4. You were lazy after a tiring day & heavy food intake .
5. You were a little bolder - being a week end - with
6. You slowed down on the road in front of an other
car / driver who was asking to move out of his way.
My observation...is like this...
1. You were on the inner lane - fast lane .
2. Your speed was 19 KM/H .
3. You were too late to respond - give way .
4. You were lazy after a tiring day & heavy food intake .
5. You were a little bolder - being a week end - with
6. You slowed down on the road in front of an other
car / driver who was asking to move out of his way.