My sister, I am of the view, who knows this fellow , just by chance came to help - free - that covered lady as ordered by God. This act may be done initially - supposedly - for money but will be counted as free service to unknown - if she does not pay at all.
We spend all our life helping our own family & friends who also change and later forget all that good done to them.
We just come to this world to settle our old accounts, it is good that Brokos' friend has paid back some
free service he may have taken earlier... I assume.
My sister, I am of the view, who knows this fellow , just by chance came to help - free - that covered lady as ordered by God. This act may be done initially - supposedly - for money but will be counted as free service to unknown - if she does not pay at all.
We spend all our life helping our own family & friends who also change and later forget all that good done to them.
We just come to this world to settle our old accounts, it is good that Brokos' friend has paid back some
free service he may have taken earlier... I assume.